In many tristate communities, a large percentage of students rely on free and reduced breakfast and lunch at school, and the absence of these meals, at night, over the weekend, and during holiday breaks and summer, puts enormous strain on local families.

School Pantries were designed to provide permanent on-site food assistance at local schools with high food insecurity rates. This newer method of addressing food insecurity for families places pantries on school grounds with the purpose of having year-round accessibility to meal prep items, student-friendly snacks, and health and hygiene items.

While grants allowed Freestore Foodbank to initiate this program, additional support is needed to continue and expand. If you are interested in learning more about the School Pantry program, or seeing how your contribution could make a difference, please contact Libby Coletta, Donor Engagement Officer, 513-482-7093

[i] Murphy, Wehler, Pagano, Little, Kleinman and Jellinek (1998) Relationship Between Hunger and Psychosocial Functioning in Low-Income American Children. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 37 (2), 163-170. [ii] Kirkpatrick, McIntyre, and Potestio (2010) Child hunger and long-term adverse consequences for health. Archive of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 164 (8), 754-762.

“These sites represent very different sides of poverty with diverse racial, ethnic and historical backgrounds.” – Kurt Reiber, Freestore Foodbank, President & CEO

“The school is a trusted environment where students, as well as their families can feel most comfortable getting the help they need from staff they know.” – “Jamie Luggen, Oyler School