Please use the below search tool to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift.
Thousands of companies locally and nationally match their employee’s contributions to tax-exempt organizations, usually at a one-to-one match but sometimes as high as three-to-one. Some companies also have volunteer matches, providing a donation for each hour their employees volunteer with a charitable organization.
These programs offer individuals a wonderful opportunity to double, or even quadruple, the impact of their contribution. Unfortunately, many individuals are unaware their employer matches gifts or volunteer hours; each year 90% of donations eligible for these programs go unmatched.
In our 2016-2017 fiscal year, Freestore Foodbank received $170,000 in matching gifts from over 70 companies, including Ameriprise, Duke Energy, GE, Johnson & Johnson, Liberty Mutual, Macy’s, The Standard and Von Lehman. We are so grateful to all the companies offering this generous benefit, and for their employees and retirees who choose to donate to Freestore Foodbank and request corporate matching gifts.
For more information about matching gifts, contact your human resources department or Kim Miller at 513-482-7546.