MISSION: Identify ways in which member organizations work together to enhance and increase accessibility of services to non-English speaking, migrant and refugee residents; explore resources for funding, advocate for an increase in accessibility of local government services and advance local public policies that welcome new Americans and empower them to contribute more politically, economically and socially towards a thriving region.

PURPOSE: To assist individuals who identify as Immigrants or Refugees eliminate barriers that lead to increased risk of homelessness within Hamilton County.

REQUIREMENTS: Individuals who have been relocated to the region within the past 12 months and must have a physical residence in Hamilton County.

PROCESS: Individuals and families can be referred to the program by the Central Access Point (CAP), FSFB staff member, or another partner agency. Individuals meet with a service coordinator to determine immediate needs that could result in homelessness and work on a plan to eliminate those barriers.

LENGTH OF SERVICE: The purpose is to move the individual from an active crisis state onto a path of stability. Service coordination is minimally from 3 months not to exceed 6 months.

OUTCOMES: We will focus on working with individuals and families to impact the following areas:

  • Employment and training
  • Housing resources
  • Access to health and mental health services
  • Referral and connection to advocacy and immigration Legal services
  • Basic needs, such as food, clothing, and furniture
  • Benefits assistance including SNAP and Medicaid enrollment, if eligible
  • Referrals to other community providers that focus on specific needs for Immigrants and Refugees