Kids Café Site Operations

Kids Cafe is a federal program operated through Freestore Foodbank which provides free, complete & nutritious meals to children at the end of the school day so that they aren’t going hungry in the evenings. Kids Cafe provides hot meals each week to 13 after-school sites in Hamilton County ( OHIO) and Kenton County ( Kentucky).

The meals served at Kids Cafe are prepared by adult students from Freestore Foodbank’s Cincinnati COOKS! culinary job training program.

Hunger Impacts Kids
More than 60,000 children living in the 20 counties served by Freestore Foodbank are at risk of hunger. Research shows that hungry children are more likely to be vulnerable to illness, lack focus and energy, and score lower on achievement tests. These children are more likely to suffer from poverty as adults.

Ensuring Children Don’t Go Hungry in the Evening
Kids Cafe is a Freestore Foodbank program providing free, nutritious meals to children at the end of the school day so that they aren’t going hungry in the evenings. Kids Cafe provides over 5,000 hot meals each week to 13 (thirteen) sites in Hamilton (OHIO) and Kenton (Kentucky) Counties.

Program Goals Include:

  • Serving nutritious meals to children at risk of hunger
  • Providing programs within easily accessible safe sites
  • Supplementing the meal service with educational and enrichment activities

“The food really helps out our students,” said a Kids Cafe site coordinator. “One boy doesn’t get fed well at home, and the Kids Cafe healthy meals are a good supplement for him.”

The meals served at Kids Cafe are prepared by adult students from Freestore Foodbank’s Cincinnati COOKS! culinary job training program.

The Bigger Picture
Kids Cafe is part of a larger national effort by Feeding America, with nearly 120 member food banks helping to provide after school meals to children. Collectively, these programs serve more than 122,000 children nationally each year.

“We have had an increase in students attending the after-school program since we started serving the hot meals,” said another Kids Cafe site coordinator. “Students can stay for tutoring and do not have to be so hungry.”

Providing Food During Summer Months
The Summer Food Service Program gives Freestore Foodbank the opportunity to serve hungry children during the summer months when they are away from school. Kids ages 1-18 receive nutritious lunches prepared by Cincinnati COOKS! at select locations.

Get Involved in the Fight Against Childhood Hunger
You can help children receive the proper nutrition they need succeed in life. With every dollar you donate, Freestore Foodbank is able to provide three meals. As a non-profit, Freestore Foodbank prides itself in being open and transparent about where our donors’ dollars are going.

For more information about  Kids Cafe, please email Octavia Ewing or call (513) 482-4507.

The Empty Bowls event, hosted by the Clay Alliance, has raised nearly half a million dollars (1,500,000 meals) in 16 years for Freestore Foodbank’s Kids Cafe program. We can’t do it without the generous efforts of the Clay Alliance.