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Through our Customer Connection Center’s Liberty Street Market located at 112 E. Liberty Street in Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati, Freestore Foodbank offers a choice pantry, much like a regular grocery store, to those in need. This means that families struggling to find vital nutrition can select the items that fit the needs of their family, giving them one less thing to worry about as they work to make ends meet.

Food is the beginning of a conversation with our customers, allowing us to find the causes of instability such as housing or employment needs. By addressing the emergency need of food, we can then work to solve larger issues in our community through holistic support and partnerships with other service providers. Hunger is in every community, with one in seven of our neighbors worrying about finding enough food to stay healthy. We also know that it’s not just about getting enough food, but about nutritious and diverse foods to keep families healthy. To find out more about how to get assistance, or to learn how you can donate your time, call (513) 241-1064.

The Freestore Foodbank provides groceries to our customers to give them one less thing to worry about as they work to make ends meet. Our Liberty Street Market allows our customers to choose items from the selection available, much like a regular grocery store. The Liberty Street Market is located at our Customer Connection Center and opens at 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday. The Liberty Street Market serves up to 300 families daily and more than 88,000 individuals annually. Please call our Customer Connection Center at (513) 241-1064 or visit us for more information on emergency food assistance.

Monday – 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tuesday – 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday – 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday – 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday – CLOSED
Sunday – CLOSED

Liberty Street Market and Bea Taylor Market are open to customer choice shopping until thirty (30) minutes before posted closing time. An emergency, pre-packed box of food will be available for customers within the half (1/2) hour time frame before closing. Customers who wish to utilize choice shopping are always welcome to return the next business day.

  • Picture ID
  • Household Verification
    (Address, Birth Certificate, or Medical Card)

Liberty Street Market
112 E Liberty Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202