He’s “Still Kicking”

Wayne worked for 28 years in a chicken factory before he retired. In that time, he raised four daughters and has seen more than his share of hard times.

Now, rather than sitting back and relaxing in retirement, he’s helping to raise his nine grandchildren, who range in age from 1 to 21.

“It’s a lot, but they’re my grandchildren, and some just babies,” Wayne says. “What else can I do but take care of them? I might be old, but I’m still kicking!”

In addition to feeding and caring for his grandchildren, he also helps support his four grown daughters. Wayne says it’s hard to scrape enough together to take care of everyone.

“Somehow, we make it,” he says. But Wayne knows that wouldn’t be possible without the help he gets from the food distribution at Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) in Vevay, Indiana. Every Thursday, Wayne drives up, chats with the volunteers and workers, and leaves with boxes of food to help feed his large family.

The food pantry, a Freestore Foodbank community partner, opened a little more than a year ago and is run in partnership with CMHC. The pantry serves Switzerland County, a rural area with little access to grocery stores and limited employment opportunities. In addition to drive-through distributions, patients there can receive food every week during appointments.

“This place is the greatest thing that ever opened here,” he says. “This helps big time. I appreciate it so much.”

Donors like you help provide food and stability for families like Wayne’s. Thank you for your compassion and generosity!

** CMHC located in Vevay Indiana has recently changed their name to INcompass Healthcare

  • kurt

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