Many people live one paycheck away from financial disaster. An unexpected illness, injury, car repair, or life change can put a self-sufficient person at risk of hunger.
MercyWorks Fresh Food Pantry, a ministry of RiverTree Church, is working to address the need on the East Side of Cincinnati, providing fresh fruits, vegetables, breads and groceries every week at four locations:
- Church of the Good Samaritan in Amelia (25 Amelia-Olive Branch Road)
- The Crossing Church in Batavia (4359 E Bauman Lane)
- Emmanuel United Methodist Church in Eastgate (4312 Amelia Olive Branch Road)
- RiverTree Church in Milford (5857 Highview Drive)
Additionally, MercyWorks Fresh Food Pantry partners with LightShine Ministries to serve a free community meal every week at these four locations. In 2016/2017, the organization distributed 500,000 pounds of fresh food to its customers, along with 20,000 freshly prepared meals.
“MercyWorks is confronted everyday with the realities of homelessness, drug dependence, mental illness and isolation,” said John Sinclair, Associate Pastor of RiverTree Church. “The communities that we serve are populated with our seniors, our working friends and families facing circumstantial poverty. Hunger is a real issue in all neighborhoods.”
You can help support the MercyWorks Fresh Food Pantry through the Freestore Foodbank’s 15th Annual Hunger Walk & 5K Run. The event, taking place at 9:00 a.m. on Memorial Day, Monday, May 28 in downtown Cincinnati, helps support the Freestore Foodbank’s network of 540 community partner agencies located in 20 counties throughout Southwest Ohio, Southeast Indiana and Northern Kentucky. Partner agencies form teams and raise money through pledges of support from their community. Registration is $20 or $25 with a t-shirt.
“The 2018 Hunger Walk & 5K Run will help MercyWorks raise awareness of food insecurity, while also supporting our core values of human dignity and kindness.”
MercyWorks Fresh Food Pantry has a goal to raise $3,000 through Hunger Walk this year, the equivalent of 9,000 meals. To join the MercyWorks Fresh Food Pantry Hunger Walk team or to donate to its Hunger Walk efforts, call (513) 482-FOOD (3663) or visit the Hunger Walk & 5K Run website. Online registration is open until 2:00 p.m. Friday, May 25.