What’s a virtual food drive? An efficient, impactful way to fundraise with your peers! A virtual food drive is a low stress way to involve your friends, families, and coworkers to help our fight against hunger.  Instead of going to the grocery store and being unsure what or how much to purchase or rummaging through your own pantry, you can let us do the heavy lifting!

When you fill out and submit the form below it goes to our team here at Freestore! We will create your Virtual Food Drive with the information you’ve provided and send you a link that you can share on social media, email, or text.

Want to see what a Virtual Food Drive looks like? Here is a list of our current food drives >>

Thank you for thinking of Freestore Foodbank for your food drive! Unfortunately, at this time, we are not holding any physical food drives. If you are interested in participating in a virtual food drive, we would love to have you join us in our fight against hunger!

At this time, we are asking you to not conduct canned food drives. We are only accepting virtual food drives at this time.

If you have already begun collecting shelf stable items, please consider donating the items to one of our community partners. Freestore Foodbank works with over 600 community partners throughout the 20 counties we serve. Find a community partner near you.

Please fill out the form below and we will create your virtual food drive to share with your friends, families, and coworkers. Thank you for your understanding and participation!

Your online donations will be utilized to support the greatest needs of Freestore Foodbank by being able to provide food and services at our Liberty Street Market, to our partner agencies, Power Pack locations, and more. All donations stay local and help support families, children, seniors, and individuals served by Freestore’s 600+ community partners.



    Your Name:

    Your Email:

    Your Phone:


    Virtual Food Drive Display Name: (What title/name would you like your friends and family to see this drive)

    Virtual Food Drive Description: (please customize the description below)

    Minimum Donation Amount: (this would be the smallest donation possible)

    Virtual Food Drive Date Range: (how long you would like your drive to last)



    Upload Image (optional, one image up to 5MB. Images reduced to 150 pixels wide. Small text may not be legible.)
    (Some people like to put their own image here. We have a default image you can use.)

    Custom URL suggestion: (optional, must be lower case, hyphens only)
    (Some people like to have this be different than name of your virtual food drive.)