Donors provide health and hope

Mary, a senior citizen, was born with a serious heart condition and has trouble breathing. With all the doctor’s appointments, breathing machines and medications—many she has to pay for out of pocket—her fixed income simply doesn’t last all month.

“I buy things that I can stretch and make last, but without the pantry I’d be in trouble,” says Mary, who has come to a pantry in Northern Kentucky.

There are so many reasons people come through the doors of our Foodbank and our partner agencies. Some are like Mary, with serious health issues that prevent them from working. Many have struggled to find consistent work in a difficult economy. And some have had additional family members move in with them, stretching their limited incomes even further.

That’s why your support is crucial. Every day, thousands of people in 20 counties in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana do not know where their next meal will come from. And in this season of Thanksgiving, going without food can be especially heartbreaking for people in need.

At Freestore Foodbank, $1 provides wholesome food for 3 meals to children, families and seniors in our community. At Thanksgiving, your gift will help us provide a turkey with all the trimmings to any family who comes through our doors.

Mary has received a turkey from the pantry several times and brought it to her sister’s holiday meal. She feels so grateful that she can contribute to the special food that day.

With your help, we can support the children, families and seniors in our community who face empty cupboards each day. You give them somewhere to go. Somewhere to find the nutritious food their bodies need and more importantly, a place they can find hope.

For more information, please contact Amelia Lewis, Development Officer, at 513.482.7092 or 

In our community, 1 in 7 people are facing hunger each day. Please consider giving generously today so we can meet the need throughout the Thanksgiving season. Remember, $1 provides 3 meals! 

At Freestore Foodbank, $1 provides wholesome food for 3 meals to seniors like Mary.